Covid-19 death toll at 17

The toll of Greene County residents who have died of Covid-19 is now at 17, reported Greene County public health director Becky Wolf on Nov. 1. Twenty cases have been diagnosed in the past seven days; the total number of cases in the county is now 1,377. The seven-day positivity rate for testing is 5.7 percent; the 14-day positivity rate is 6.4 percent. The level of community transmission is still rated as HIGH.

Wolf anticipates the Centers for Disease Control in the next two days will recommend children ages 5-11 years received the Pfizer vaccine.

The public health department will schedule family-friendly hours to administer the vaccine to children. Watch for more information.

Persons who received either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccines should receive a booster shot six months or later after their initial two-dose series, according to recommendations the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued Oct. 21.

The following groups are eligible now for a booster: 

  • People 65 years and older
  • People 18 years and older who reside in long-term care settings
  • People aged 18 years and older with underlying medical conditions
  • People aged 18 years and older who work or live in high-risk settings (includes healthcare employees)

The same product used for the initial series should be used for the booster. If a Moderna vaccine booster is administered, a half-dose will be given.

In addition, the CDC recommends a booster dose of Johnson & Johnson (J & J) Covid-19 vaccine for all those age 18 years or older who received that vaccine at least two months ago.

“Mix & Match” booster doses are now allowed for eligible individuals following completion of primary vaccination with a different available COVID-19 vaccine:

  • People who received a single dose of J & J can receive a mRNA Covid-19 booster dose at least two months after that first primary dose
  • Moderna vaccine booster will be given as a half-dose
  • Pfizer and J & J boosters will be given as full doses

There are still opportunities to get influenza and/or Covid-19 vaccines at Greene County public health clinics through early November. All three brands of Covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson) are available for anyone who is not vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or in need of a booster dose.

Clinics will be held at the public health office at Greene County Medical Center, Level B, on the following dates:

  • Tuesdays (9AM-Noon):  Nov 2, Nov. 16
  • Thursdays (1-4PM): Nov 4, Nov. 18

Appointments are appreciated, but walk-ins are accepted. Call 515-386-3228 or register online at  Please do not use this form to sign up children.

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